About Us
Herbal Medicine With Anne Shelly-Lacey
Qualifications : MH, Ir, (Master Herbalist, Iridologist), Vitalist Nutritionist, Raw Food Chef and Social Care Worker.
Herbal Medicine
Ireland has a long tradition of herbal medicine, the oldest form of healing. Plants have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of health conditions in a safe and effective way. Herbal Medicine is a holistic form of medicine. The body’s own power to heal can be supported by herbs, a healthy diet, positive lifestyle habits, good sleeping patterns, and stress management. Our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health is interconnected, and so ill-health is also interconnected.
The ancient Celts understood that there was no such thing as a weed. “Every plant contains a host of wonderful properties and has its place in the cycle of nature. It is our distorted vision of the world that leads us to define certain plants as weeds”. (Paine A. The Healing Power of Celtic Plants). Ancient indigenous people had strong connections with the natural environment and learned how to use plants for healing. Plants and trees have survived and adapted to a changing world and they still hold the wisdom they possessed thousands of years ago.
Iridology is a non-invasive tool used to assess the emotional and physical health of a person that are relevant to healing and suggests specific treatment protocols for the individual. The iris of the eye contains an immense number of minute nerve filaments, which are connected with and receive impressions from every nerve of the body. Different parts of the body are represented in different parts of the iris. The colour and structure and particular markings of the iris, reflect a holistic picture of the individual in terms of general make- up, inherited and acquired .
The Consultation
By appointment only.
Length: approximately 1 hour.
At Flora Wisdom Herbal Practice, the consultation consists of taking your medical history, dietary habits, lifestyle habits, including sleep, exercise, stress levels etc. Then a picture of both irids will be taken, and we will discuss the picture in terms of emotional aspects of your make up. We will discuss diet and nutrition and plan some dietary and lifestyle changes together. From both the consultation record and the iris picture, an individual plan can be made with you to help improve your health.
A herbal preparation i.e tincture, infusion, bowel powder etc, will then be prepared specifically for each individual, after the consultation. Your herbal remedy can be collected or it can be posted out to you.
It is recommended that you attend a follow-up consultation about 3 weeks later, to check-in how the herbs worked for you, any changes that were implemented in terms of diet and/or lifestyle.